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Comment Bounce Review - 2024

We've tested Comment Bounce, the Social Media Brand Protection

Welcome to this Comment Bounce review!

Comment Bounce is probably one of the most original projects we've tested so far. It's a tool designed to manage interactions on posts and ads on Facebook and Instagram.

For this review, we will be focusing on Facebook 😊.

Uneed has its own Facebook page, but it’s not very active (for now!). Not very practical for testing a moderation tool! That's why we'll be using this Facebook account, graciously lent to us by the creator of Comment Bounce (thank you!).

Getting Started

Once registered on the app, we go through a brief onboarding process where we connect our Facebook account, and Comment Bounce takes care of syncing it.

Start of the onboarding

We then access a simple dashboard displaying the most important data, such as the number of comments awaiting our response.

The dashboard

The graph also reveals something interesting: the number of comments automatically hidden by Comment Bounce! Indeed, one of the great features of this tool is that it analyzes comments in real-time and automatically hides those that are most negative or offensive... In short, those that don’t serve your brand well.

The comment list

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter and access the comment list!

The comment list

These can have three different statuses: “Urgent,” “Needs Attention,” or “Okay.” For each, you can read an evaluation obtained via Comment Bounce’s AI. By clicking in the action column, you can approve, reject, view, and even reply directly from the app!

answer comments

Super handy for not having to go through Meta’s complex interface to manage comments.

And the cherry on top: Comment Bounce can generate an appropriate reply for you, thanks to its AI.

Comment bounce AI to answer

The “insights” page is pretty much the same as the comments one, but concerning your ads.


This concludes our Comment Bounce review 😊. Comment Bounce is still a young product, but it looks very promising to users who want to escape the living nightmare of Meta moderation tools. There are still some issues – like the fact that the tool doesn’t handle cases where you manually delete a comment from Facebook – but the most important features are there, and at a very attractive price compared to the competition 🔥

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