How it works

How Uneed's launches are working, what can you win and what should you do?

How it works

Uneed has two goals: to enable you to discover new products, and to promote your own.

Launch your product on Uneed

Every day at 12:00 AM PST, 10 to 20 new products are launched on the homepage. These products get special visibility during their launch day, but the excitement doesn't stop there - our community can continue to upvote their favorite products at any time!

Rankings and Badges

At Uneed, we celebrate the most popular products through various rankings that are constantly evolving thanks to our community's ongoing engagement:

Daily Launches

Every day brings a fresh wave of new products to discover. Launch day is your product's chance to shine and make a strong first impression on our community.

Dynamic Rankings

Our rankings are always in motion as users can vote for any product at any time:

  • Weekly: Discover the trending products of the week
  • Monthly: Track the rising stars of the month
  • Yearly: Celebrate the products that consistently impress our community

Podium Badges

Products that reach the podium (top 3) in these rankings earn special badges:

  • πŸ₯‡ Gold badge for 1st place
  • πŸ₯ˆ Silver badge for 2nd place
  • πŸ₯‰ Bronze badge for 3rd place

These badges are displayed on the product page, enhancing visibility and credibility.

Newsletter Feature

The 3 best performing products in our rankings are featured in our weekly newsletter, reaching our community of 9,100+ subscribers. This provides additional exposure and recognition for products that consistently engage our community.

How to launch your product on Uneed?

After creating an account, go to this page to add your product. Our robots will collect as much information as possible, and you will need to complete the rest. Once your product is complete, two options are available to you:

  • Go through the waiting line for free: your product will be added to the queue, and a launch date will be automatically assigned to you.
  • Pay to skip the line: for a payment of $30, you can skip the waiting line and choose your own launch day.

How to succeed on Uneed?

Success on Uneed comes from both a strong launch and consistent engagement with our community. Here are some tips:

  • Plan your launch day: Notify your users, friends, and network to make a strong first impression on launch day.
  • Maintain momentum: Keep engaging with your community and encourage satisfied users to upvote your product - votes count at any time!
  • Take care of your product page: Work on your logo, descriptions, and keep information up-to-date. A complete and active product page attracts more votes over time.
  • Add deals: Offering special deals for Uneed users grants you a special badge and helps maintain interest in your product.

Upvote Power and Rewards

At Uneed, we value community engagement. As you consistently participate by upvoting products, you'll earn streaks and unlock rewards that increase your influence on the platform.

Streak Rewards

As you maintain your streak, you'll unlock various rewards:

  • 5-day streak: Your upvotes count as 2 (Power up)
  • 25-day streak: 25% off your next 'Skip the waiting line' (Discount)
  • 50-day streak: 50% off your next 'Skip the waiting line' (Discount)
  • 100-day streak: Your upvotes count as 3 and unlock your first avatar border (Power up)
  • 150-day streak: A free 'Skip the waiting line' (Free advertisement)
  • 300-day streak: Your upvotes count as 4 (Power up)
  • 500-day streak: Unlock second avatar border and 50% off any advertising offer (Power up)
  • 1000-day streak: Your upvotes count as 5 (Power up)

These rewards are designed to encourage regular participation and give you more influence as you become a more active member of the Uneed community.

Discover new products

Uneed is an excellent way to discover new products that meet your needs. Browse our site by choosing a category, refine your selection with tags, and discover products similar to those you already know from their product page.

A special request?

If you have a special request or questions to ask us, do not hesitate to contact us at the following address: [email protected]