

Minimalistic yet powerful Next.js boilerplate to launch your SaaS fast

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Hi Uneed Members 👋🏻 I'm happy to introduce a new amazing Next.js boilerplate, but actually it's more than just a boilerplate - it's an entire monorepo with all the features preconfigured and connected as modules. WEBAPPBOOST is a boilerplate project on top of Next.js and Turborepo which has all the latest and needed features connected and preconfigured. It helps to start building (and launching) a complete production-ready SaaS very fast. Usually, it takes quite a lot of time to create a project, to set up all linting and formatting tools, organise files, add default styles, connect all integrations and make sure SEO and performance are good too. So that is why this project is available here - to help save time and bypass these first steps and start developing an actual product. According to my calculations, it can save you even up to 2 months of chore work! ## FEATURES The boilerplate includes: Superfast Preconfigured TypeScript monorepo project using truly best in class Next.js and Turborepo, following modular structure. Styles & Dark Mode Accessible mobile-friendly component library using Radix UI and shadcn/ui, TailwindCSS, automatic Dark Mode, lucide icons and pre-made landing page sections. SEO SEO-friendly and PWA-ready, inclduing meta tags, autogenerated RSS, robots.txt and sitemap.xml, favicons and icons. Authentication User authentication with next-auth, including login, signup, signout, reset password flows, email confirmation, two-factor, user roles, protected pages/APIs, magic links and saving users to database. Database Battle tested and flexible Prisma ORM with MongoDB integration allows to shape your data quickly. Quickly replace with any other database if needed. Blog & CMS Integrated Blog pages and CMS using Sanity which also comes with fully-customisable studio for content creators. No .md files moving around. AI OpenAI is integrated using Vercel AI. Build your next amazing AI tool. Quickly replace with any other AI prodiver if needed. Emails Send transactional and marketing emails using SendGrid and react-email's embedded visual editor. Subscribe your audience to a newsletter. Replace SendGrid with any other provider if needed. Payments Tier-based subscriptions and payments are supported using industry-leading Stripe. Analytics Google Tag Manager is there out of the box and it is easy to connect any other analytics tools. Internationalisation Next-intl is connected to easily localise the app into many languages. Dev Tools All the dev tools for linting, formatting and testing are set up for you: ESLint with the Airbnb config guide, Secretlint, commitlint, Jest, lint-staged and Prettier. Support A no-sweat tutorial is there. I am also available for any questions you might have regarding setup and development. ## What's next? More features are coming such as Plug'n'Play for integrating other services, other options for a landing page and many more. Thank you for you support! I would be happy to hear your feedback!

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