


Portfolio Analytics for all your accounts in one place.

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WealthBee, your go-to platform for seamless investment management and optimization. Whether you're an experienced investor or just beginning your financial journey, WealthBee is designed to streamline your investment tracking, enhance your financial understanding, and empower you to make informed decisions.

With support for equities, options, and futures, WealthBee brings all your accounts together in one user-friendly platform, equipping you with the necessary tools to stay ahead in your investment endeavors. Investment Journal & Trade Analytics WealthBee serves as a robust investment journal, trade analytics tool, and ledger.

Acting as a comprehensive stock and option tracker, it enables you to precisely monitor your net worth, analyze trades, and manage your investments across multiple asset classes.

Whether your focus is on stocks, options, or futures, WealthBee is tailored to meet your needs.

Institutional-Grade Features for All Crafted by industry experts, WealthBee brings institutional-grade features to the fingertips of individual investors.

Our platform is designed to democratize access to advanced financial tools, making sophisticated investment management accessible to everyone, regardless of experience level.

Key Features:

  • Net Worth Tracking

  • Trade Journaling

  • Comprehensive Asset Coverage

  • Personalized Insights

  • Automated Reporting