Want to host Typeform on your own domain?
Want to host Typeform on your own domain? You cannot. But, with MakeForms you can.
Verify User Data
Want to verify users’ email address & phone number? Typeform won’t do it for you. But MakeForms will.
Enterprise Grade Compliance
Need HIPAA, GDPR, SOC2 & ISO Compliance ? With Typeform, pay 10000s of thousands of dollars to be compliant. With MakeForms, all our users get enterprise-grade compliance, by default.
Create calculators like 🤌
With calculated field, create calculators on the fly. No need to use complex logic flows for such simple things.
MultiLingual One at a time Forms
Hola, Hello. Want one form to serve multiple languages? Typeform will ask you to create multiple Typeforms 😏. We won’t. Just one form with as many languages as you want. Just add the strings.Coz, we are muy awesome.
Comprehensive Logic
Move on from the basic skip field conditions that TypeForm offers. MakeForms helps you build extremely complicated logical forms with it’s variety of logical conditions and actions
Enterprise Level ACL
With MakeForms, get granular control over what access you want to give to your WorkSpace members.
Workflows & Automations
MakeForms won’t stop at just data collection. Setup your internal processes using our Workflow & Form Triggers
So many problems with Typeform. Only one solution -> MakeForms