

A collection of AI tools and job boards designed for college students

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Introducing TalentRamp: the world's most comprehensive collection of AI tools and job boards designed exclusively for use by US-based college students. Here's how we help: - Find the right opportunity: we've got the largest job board for VC-backed internships in the world - Build an ATS-optimized resume help that converts: our free and paid AI-resume crafting tools are trained on early-career data to help you stand out above the rest - Leverage AI to generate cover letters in seconds - copy and paste a job description and TalentRamp AI creates a beautiful first draft of a cover letter to match the requirements of the job - Simulate interview questions so you're well-prepped - we pull data from all across the web to optimize our AI interview simulator for entry-level jobs and internship interviews, so you're ready when you sit down in that interview chair - Keep tabs on your outstanding applications - track all of the applications you've submitted all in a single screen, so you know where you're at with every interview process - Get AI-powered salary negotiation guidance - college students require a delicate balance of hard-hitting requests, and appreciation for the opportunity to get their career started; AI is the perfect copilot for salary negotiation - Use our recruiting services (COMING SOON!) - Let us do the hard work for you. Submit your info and we'll schedule interviews for you Are you ready to kick your internship or job search into high-gear? TalentRamp is here to launch your career!