Hi Uneed, Pulkit here developer of Spelltastic.io
Spelltastic.io is a one-man-microsaas focused on content review.
It uses latest GenAI models on the backend to scan your webpage for any issues related to spelling mistakes, grammatical errors (and more) to give you a detailed report highlighting the exact areas in your webpage that have problems. These reports can be shared with other folks working on your website to improve the content quality.
Although not widely documented, spelling mistakes and content quality can affect your SEO, either directly or indirectly (high bounce rates). Any critical mistake can also severely affect a brand's reputation and image.
As I am not a native English speaker, I use Grammarly daily to aid in writing emails, posts, etc, but you can't use it while developing a website or a full product. So that was the inspiration behind creating Spelltastic.
Spelltastic is quite different from existing spell-checkers like Grammarly and Quillbot.
Spelltastic works on the end product, i.e. your website (just how users see it). Grammarly on the other hand just works while you are writing content. Checking all your content first on Grammarly and then putting the same into your code (in your IDE) is time-consuming and error-prone. You may rarely spell-check content written on buttons, feature descriptions, img alt attributes etc.
Tools like Grammarly rely on a fixed set of words (which has to be updated by the user), they can't understand technical content or domain-specific terms. Since Spelltastic is powered by LLMs, it automatically handles new terms and doesn't need a fixed dictionary.
Related to the above, Spelltastic can also detect semantic issues. For example if you write "to delete all data from Redis use the flshall command", it will highlight that the correct Redis command is "flushall" not "flshall"
Please give it a try, it can be used freely. You can do 2 scans before creating an account and then do some more scans after creating an account. Post that, you can do 1 free scan every month.
Spelltastic is currently in beta with lots of more features in the roadmap. Since I soft-launched it last week, several indie hackers have used it to scan their pages. Read more on our blog post here: https://spelltastic.io/blog/product-hunt-spelling-mistakes-analysis.
Please follow on https://x.com/spelltastic_io to become part of the journey.