Comparing two Excel files is a crucial, yet often underestimated task.
It can be very time-consuming, depending on factors like:
- your level of expertise
- the complexity of the files
- the insights you're looking for
With Sheetmatcher you don't need to know anything about Excel:
You just drag and drop 2 files, select the key field and you are done!
You will instantly know about differences or missing records.
Even if columns or rows are sorted differently, it’s no issue!*
Sheetmatcher ensures a certain result and saves you a ton of time!
*the comparison process is driven by the column names
Basic version is completely free: just check it out!
Advanced version*: available as subscription and one time payment.
* contains data mapping mode, text based search mode and more to come..
Who is Sheetmatcher for?
As an IT consultant with extensive experience working with accountants, I know this group stands to benefit the most. Accountants frequently compare lists of accounts, master data, bank statements, and more as part of their regular workflow.
However, virtually any department that deals with spreadsheets can benefit from Sheetmatcher.
Even in IT, my colleagues and I use Sheetmatcher extensively to compare data and settings between systems.
Because, as I firmly believe: if your company is "alive," you handle a significant amount of data that requires your attention. With data often spread across multiple systems, the ability to export and quickly verify it in Excel becomes absolutely crucial.
Common use cases:
You need to compare 2 versions of the same files
You need to compare 2 slightly different files that contains a bunch of attributes/columns you are interested to compare
You want to compare the same dataset out of 2 different systems (quality vs production, or subsystem1 vs subsystem2)
You just migrated some data from system A to system B and want to know if the process was successful