

new.space is sharing, planning and feedback made easy. All end-to-end encypted

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What is new.space?
new.space is the easiest, fastest way to securely share links, notes, and files, get feedback, and plan what’s next. Use a single Space—with everything side-by-side—to tame the chaos of tabs, docs, videos, and files spread across too many apps and services. And now it is available on your iPhone 📱
Get it here ➡ at https://new.space/app

Why did we make it?
We created new.space because we felt the pain of managing so many browser tabs, software tools, chat apps, files, documents, and more in our day-to-day lives. Our important links and files were lost in chat streams. Feedback was siloed in specialized tools. It was impossible to stay on top of it all. We designed new.space to solve those problems and bring back a feeling of control over our personal and professional lives. Additionally, many tools and services are not built today with user privacy in mind. It is difficult for users to trust that their data is not being sold or used in surprising ways. We built new.space with a commitment to user privacy at its foundation. For that reason 👉 everything shared into a Space is end-to-end encrypted.

How does it work?

new.space helps collect and share anything, then deal with the work that happens after items are shared within a team. Teams can provide feedback on anything right inside their collaborative, secure Spaces with ease. Even more, new.space helps individuals and teams plan using daily Spaces, which focus on only the items belonging to a single day—similar to the way calendar views work in other products. The Today Space is a special version of those daily spaces: it's a private Space that starts clean each day and allows users to focus their efforts and plan the day across all their projects.