

Mood tracker by Moodllama is your go-to app for daily journaling your mood.

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Mood tracker by Moodllama is your go-to app for daily journaling your mood.

Unlike traditional mood journaling apps, Moodllama actually helps you get deep insights, learns mood patterns and helps you stay positive.

Whether you want to understand your emotional patterns, learn what triggers you, improve your mental well-being, or just want to keep a track of your moods at different times of the day, Moodllama can do it all. Isn’t it amazing?

With Moodllama you don’t just track your mood, you also track your feelings, the weather, the people influencing your mood, and much more. Not only that, you can also add your own sections for better understanding of your mood and there’s a supportive community which can help you when you feel low.