
LostAndFound.com Mobile App

Report and search for lost and found items anyplace, anytime.

Embrace a myriad of new functionality from Lost Alerts to Mobile Device Recovery. Whether traveling through airports, watching a sporting event, experiencing a show, or just on campus, the LostAndFound.com Mobile App makes recovery right at your fingertips! Reporting a loss? Use the power of LostAndFound.com's Premium Services to get the word out. Blast the information to social media platforms, send Mobile Alerts to people near the loss, or let your neighbors know through the Neighborhood Alert System. Use our PIN and mapping system to mark places where a loss or a find occurs. Send friends or helpers the pinned map to help assist in recovery. Report to our database exactly where the loss occurred. Search areas for a match by dropped PIN locations as well. Use our business software incorporated into the mobile app. Scan and process found inventory by UPC code. Send and receive employee lost or found alerts. Our Venue Alert system notifies employees, volunteers, ushers, and more of lost or found property in real time. Get it back to the owner before they leave the premises!

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