

Listadum is a shop manager that uses data & AI to increase your revenue on Etsy.

You are creative at heart, what you love is to craft beautiful handmade goods, not struggle with selling them online. Learning the ropes of e-commerce and managing your shop on Etsy can be overwhelming, and time-consuming, this is why we created Listadum! Take the guesswork out of your Etsy shop: • Know exactly what to work on to fix your listings, apply e-commerce and SEO best practices to improve your sales • Manage hundreds of listings faster with powerful tools like bulk editing, and listing templates • Unleash the power of AI on your listings to create titles and descriptions that convert • Pick the best keywords and tags to stand out in Etsy Search, with the help of the keyword explorer • Track your shop performance and identify your true top performers and the listings with potential • Manage multiple shops from a single dashboard with a single login, and invite team members Want to see what this is about? Check out your free Shop Critique (https://www.listadum.com/shop-critique).

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