IndieAnalytics is a comprehensive analytics tool that allows users to track their side hustles and collect waitlist emails as well as 'contact us' form submissions. The website provides access to raw data collected, giving users the ability to download it whenever they need. Additionally, IndieAnalytics offers feedback-driven development, meaning that user requests for new visualizations or features are personally reviewed and considered, rather than automatically grouped into feedback categories.
The tool is feature-packed with a easy to setup dashboard supporting a range of metrics, including basic metrics such as views and unique views, advanced metrics like engagement time, custom events, scroll depth, UTMs, and referrers, as well as demographics data such as operating system, device, browser, and location. The platform also supports multi-project functionality, allowing users to track multiple projects simultaneously. Overall, IndieAnalytics aims to provide indeihackers and early stage founders with a comprehensive and customizable analytics solution tailored to their specific needs.