

Real-time call coaching platform

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CallBlitz product image

CallBlitz is a coaching and collaboration platform for sales teams that use the phone. Re-create an in-person sales floor while enjoying the benefits of remote work.

- A video room, so your team can be together.

- Real-time coaching on calls, via text notifications and whispers.

- Reps can listen to each others' calls, facilitating peer-to-peer learning.

- Bring Your Own dialer - we integrate with 20+ of the top dialers/SEP-s

- Short learning curve - it's like being on Zoom, except all the hassles of muting/unmuting are handled for you automatically

- Simple setup - install our Chrome extension, join a room and start dialing


1) More dials - increased accountability and visibility of rep activity that encourages competition and results in more dials being made

2) More sticky coaching - coaching happens right in the moment, reps can implement their learnings right away on the next call, leading to better retention

3) Higher quality conversations

4) Reduced fear of cold calling