The 5 best Reports products

Uneed is a launch platform that lists the best products on the internet since 2019. We've put together a list the 5 best #Reports products for you over the years.


Notify Me
Notify Me is a simple website monitoring tool. It will send you a notification whenever a web page you are interested in changes. All changes are summarized and sent directly into your inbox. They are color coded and easy to understand. Additionally, you can receive changes on multiple notification channels such as discord or telegram. Check out change example here:

The best, fastest, cheapest, and simplest to set up website monitoring and change notification tool.


I was working on a client's project, and we finally got their website live. Fast forward a year, and I completely spaced on renewing the domain, so the site just disappeared, and I didn't even notice. Thank goodness, Notify Me caught the outage and pinged me with an email, so I was able to jump on it and get everything sorted out quick. Seriously, what a game-changer! It's saved my skin more than once.


Sparrow Charts

Sparrow is the fastest way to put together your social media client performance reports, leaving you with more time to do the actual marketing work

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DataTools Pro
We built this data tool to bring Salesforce admins, data, and analytics professionals together in one place. We are building practical tools with a dash of AI to streamline cumbersome and time consuming tasks for organizations that want to deliver consistent and correct metrics inside of Salesforce.
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it spiders the web, gathering hundreds of relevant sources, creates professional marketing reports and comes with an AI assistant that helps you with the analysis of those reports. It's specifically made for small to medium enterprises who don't have the time, or budget for market research. Have a look, it's free and registration takes only as long as it takes you to type your email address and a password.

VisualHUB | Get Design Audit
VisualHUB is an advanced design analysis tool specifically crafted to elevate your product designs. It meticulously evaluates designs and generates comprehensive reports focusing on four key aspects: UI, UX, Readability, and Margin. Each of these aspects is scored to provide a clear and quantifiable measure of design effectiveness. In addition to its robust analysis capabilities, VisualHUB features an intuitive A/B testing functionality. This allows users to compare different design variations, including images, to determine which version performs better. By leveraging VisualHUB, designers and product teams can make informed decisions, optimize their designs, and ultimately create more engaging and effective products.
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